How do I log in to AANA?

Here are some helpful troubleshooting hints

Forgot username or password

Your username could be the email address you use to receive AANA communications or it might be your AANA member number.

From, you can:

Recent graduate from nurse anesthesia school

If you no longer have access to your school email, please contact us to update your email address.

Can't see members-only content

Only current members can access member content. Confirm you are current with your membership.

Related: When do I renew my dues?

You just renewed but can't see members-only content

It's possible your browser still thinks you're not a member. Try this.

  1. Click on your name (upper right) where it reads "Welcome, [Member]"
  2. Select log out from the dropdown
  3. Log in again
If you still need assistance, contact us.