How do I change my CRNA-PAC donation?

You will need to log into the PAC portal and follow the prompts.

Please follow these instructions to update your monthly contribution amount or the card used to make your donation.

1. Visit (login required)

2. Click Contribute (top right)

3. Verify your information, set up your pledge, and then confirm it.

Note: Your existing contributions will be canceled and replaced automatically with your new recurring charge. One-time contributions do not change a recurring monthly or quarterly charge.

The following is an FEC required legal notification for CRNA-PAC: Gifts to political action committees are not tax deductible. Contributions to CRNA-PAC are for political purposes. All contributions to CRNA-PAC are voluntary. You may refuse to contribute without reprisal. The guidelines are merely suggestions. You are free to contribute more or less than the guidelines suggest and the association will not favor or disadvantage you by reason of the amount contributed or the decision not to contribute. Federal law requires CRNA-PAC to use its best efforts to collect and report the name, mailing address, occupation, and the name of the employer of individuals whose contributions exceed $200 in a calendar year. Each contributor must be a US Citizen.